Why I’m Writing Another Blog

I was going to re-name this blog: Small Town Librarian!

When I started this blog, it was really an experiment in blogging. I was part of the 23 Things project here in Maryland and I needed a place to post my stuff. At that time, I was in Web Services and doing a lot of virtual librarianship.

As of August, 2008, I am back on the frontline as the branch manager of a small branch in a small town. It’s a whole new world and unlike my virtual days, there’s something funny/odd/interesting that happens every day.

I’m figuring the Looney thing works even better now. Besides, when I first started in libraries (20 years ago… age giveaway) … I really thought it was a part-time gig. After all, my background is in the theater. Well, here I am. Perhaps this is a type of performance as well. LOL.

So, enjoy.

To contact me directly, browngood AT gmail.com


  1. Congratulations. Your blog has been nominated for our Library Blog Awards. In fact, your blog was suggested more than once. We’re in the process of assembling information about all those nominated and will be sending a short questionaire, including the categories of awards and the judges involved. Would you please send me your email address so that I can send you the questionaire? If your email is on your blog, I couldn’t locate it.

    Thanks in advance,
    Peter W Tobey

  2. irmbrown Said:

    Is this exciting or what! What a spark for an amazing day. I have been so joyful all day. Yay.

  3. Eden Said:

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog 🙂 . May God bless you in your mission as you bring others closer to Him. Blessings!


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